To foreigners living in Japan:

Prescription of medicines

There are over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and prescription drugs.

OTC drugs are purchasable at drug stores without a medical prescription. In contrast, prescription drugs are only available with a valid prescription.

In the Medical Practitioner Act of Japan, a doctor can issue a prescription if the doctor finds it is necessary after performing a consultation. The type and dosage of prescribed medications are decided according to the diagnosis and condition of a patient. Therefore, prescribed medications should only be taken as prescribed. They should not be stocked without a doctor’s advice, shared or given to other people.

In Japan, hospitals do not sell drugs.

RGMC does not accept patients who only wish to obtain a prescription without seeing a doctor.

On your initial visit to the hospital:

Registration time for new patients:

Flow of outpatient clinic

Medical fee

Collection of unpaid bills

Unpaid bills may be entrusted to the following companies to ensure fairness and enhance the hospital’s business health. In most cases, medical expenses are paid on time, however, there have been cases where payments have not been made despite face-to-face meetings, repeated telephone calls, and written requests. In such a case, instructions for payment arrangements may be provided through the following companies.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

①Rise Sogo Law Office
 Atty. Ryoichi Hisamatsu
 16-1 Kusunoki Nishi ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan

②OVAG International AG(If you live overseas)
 Zurichstrasse 5
 6004 Lucerne, Switzerland
 Tel.: + 41 41 379 0303
 USA Toll Free Number : + 1 866 390 6824
 Fax : + 41 41 379 0333

Medical interpreter Service

Medical certificates and referral letters

Physical examination

Contact info. and others